Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thursday, July 11, 2013

How should companies & employees handle workplace bullying?

Workplace bullying can be very frustrating and hard to deal with; especially if you are the one being picked on.  Bullying can be anything from being treated disrespectfully, being talked about, starred at, or monitored, to even the person trying their best to get you fired from your position.

What I learned from my past experience is not to get into a verbal confrontation with a bully.  This could make it worse!  The bully wants you to react so that they can get you in trouble.  All you need to do is look them in the eye, be calm, and strong.  Stand up for yourself!  Let the bully know that you are not the one to play with and that you will not tolerate how they are treating you.  Document the situation and ignore the bully.  If it happens again after your warning to them, tell the superior.   If all else fails, get a police report.  You will have documented everything beforehand, so your case will look good and I’m sure after the authorities are involved, they will have no choice but to leave you alone! 

Expert Hair Extensionist

Monday, June 24, 2013

My Post on Blogger/Product Reviewer Micaela of Emilys Reviews

I was recently contacted by Micaela, -Writer for Emily Reviews @

She was a real pleasure to work with because she is very patient.  As I always state, I'm always skeptical of some reviewers, but I am always open as well.  So I have decided to start reviewing bloggers who review products as well.  After all, companies need to know who they are sending their products out to, right?  Right:)

Emily Reviews, is a review team who review lots of different items for their viewers and the reviews are searchable online and through their website.

Micaela is a writer here and she is a 23 year old student with the ultimate goal of becoming a doctor, or a drug researcher.  Very nice:)

I sent Micaela a 3 pcs clip in streaks set in colors Pink, Green, & Burgundy; with 3 extra clips [which I'm not sure she mentioned in her review]
Micaela is wearing the green one here: 
These streaks were sent to her on 5/29/2013 and the review was put up on 6/23/2013, which was 25 days later.  Lots of time to test out the product for herself and curl, wash, re-straighten.  This is very good when accepting items for review as you want the reviewer to test out the product for any flaws, that way if there happens to be some, they can let you know and you can fix them, or improve your product, other than the reviewer getting the product and reviewing it the next day.  How can you review something you have never really used?  This is especially what I liked about how Micaela conducted herself and her review.  Way to go!

I would recommend Micaela, and her friends @ Emilys Reviews, for other companies who want honest testing and opinions of their items, because it not only helps potential readers but may also help companies if they can build a relationship with people who are able to test out their products so that quality assurance is always certain.

Friday, June 21, 2013

A mouse in my kitchens MyLuxury1st 3 piece holiday clip in extensions & blog review

I was contacted either late May; or Early June 2013 by blog Owner: Markell of A mouse in my ; who's goal is to cook 100 things and document them in her blog.

She wanted to know if I could send her a product of mine to feature in her blog.  I am always a little skeptical when asked for items because a lot of bloggers only want free items.  I checked out her blog and felt it would be okay.  I sent her package off on June 3, 2013 and she completed her review on June 18, 2013 [11 business days later]  She announced she had received the items on June 8, 2013 [4 business days later].

This is a picture of the sponsored items used and tested by Markell: 
3 clip in streaks, 100% Real human hair, Red, Blonde, & Blue, 20" long; just in time for the upcoming holiday!  You can check her review out here:  A mouse in my kitchen's 3 piece clip in review  She also posted a couple other pics for her viewers.

I welcome opportunities where I feel comfortable to share my items with bloggers such as Markell.  She was really nice in her messages and posted her own opinionated review of my items.  I like to review bloggers, as so many of them are only out to get free items, but Markell is not like that.  Although she may inquire about reviewing items, her opinions are of her own mind and she actually will use the item and make sure it is a good item before posting a review.  She wont just review every single item she gets just because she asked for it or because it was sent to her.  If you want more information about her or would like to work with her, feel free to check out her blog when you have the chance!