Beware of powdered up fakes or fake rack pigment powder sellers who are perpetrating and or copying my listings and projects word for word and are un-authentic. This is a simple sign if you pay attention to their work ethics. Many people copy what @MYLuxury1st does and many people are inspired to the point where they at least switch things up, ask me questions; which I am always happy to help... but when someone copies your every waking move; it is not a good sign and or practice.
How can you trust a company who's whole work ethic is to be lazy and copy what others are doing instead of being innovative and creating their own work. And they make is very obvious that they are copying; they are not even ashamed. This is why you must be aware of the people you keep around you. People are so jealous and envious of you that they will hide behind your back and copy you and when you confront them about it; of course they will lie. And this is why you want to keep communication with a liar to a 0. Do not tolerate it. The first sign of a lie; you need to move on and stop dealing or putting up with people who do not appreciate you. Otherwise you will find yourself in a similar situation to me in which I befriended a fake friend and taught the person everything I know and was learning; I am constantly learning; but when I didn't want to share all of what I was doing; because face it; I'm a hard worker and a legit business woman; Does the maker of Apple or Pizza Hut share all of their trademark secrets? No. So I didn't share every single thing with me fake friend and when I did not; she got mad and become more mad, jealous, envious, and so it makes for not such a great relationship and you have to let the person go. Once you let the person go; they are so obsessed with you that they copy your every move; try to talk and work as if they are you and it is pathetic.
I started making soaps and simple cosmetics just for myself and family a few years ago and had lots of supplies left over from projects that did not turn out how I would have liked them so I began selling my items and pigment samples online and I figured people who wanted to test the colorants before buying in bulk would benefit from this and they did and still do.
I don' make a lot of money on this venture because everything is so small and the main point is jut for testing and for people who are interested as I am to just get a feel of what they may want to make or create. But it does allow me to get sandwiches and help feed my family as I am a work at home mom. So this is great for me. I get to stay home with my kiddies and help contribute to not only my family but to my community as well.
I list the pigments in custom or sample sizes such as 1g, 2g, 3g, and 4 gram sample packets. I am not the first to ever sell samples but I am the first to ever sell them in these small increments. These re great for testing in eye shadow making; making your own nail polishes; coloring resins, paints, arts, and crafts, and so much more! I recently even tried making hair dye and had the nerve to test it on my kid... lol. It's fun to make you own items and it's a great project to do with the kiddies and spend time with them.
The thing I hate about my fake friend is that she just copies all of my moves; it's so annoying. From the wording to the pictures; she will set up her whole platform to mimic me and if I talk abut it like I am not; she just takes it as free promotion and offers her items cheaper which she is able for certain unethical reasons... but isn't she inspired to come up with her own things, even once? I don't understand in which I have expressed this to her; out of all the people in the world to copy; why me? I'm just a regular woman who enjoys and loves life and my daily duties. I'm really not that exciting but that's the thing; when you feel like you are regular and unexciting; there are always other people who feel your life is super great and better than theirs so it drives them to do things they would not or may not normally do.
I just don't understand because I have never been that type of person. I prefer to go with the beat of my own drum and not someone else's and I am occasionally inspired by people; I love to be inspired but I take that inspiration and use it to do things to better myself and to make me think harder and work harder.
Moral of my story; I will continue to be me; and to strive to be a better me and no one can do what I do; exactly like me. We were all built to lead different and similar lives and I would not trade mine for anyone elses.
Thanks for reading!
Done venting.
If you have any questions or would like to get in contact with me; please feel free to message me or even if you need to talk.
Have a happy day!
Was I at Chuckz for myself or for my kids?
I mean, I did have a good time with my kids; and I know they had a
good time. We stayed for about 3 and a half hours after I only really
wanted to be there for about 2 hours. But this was... I believe our
first time this year so freak it, I had to stay longer plus I wanted to
actually hang out with them instead of trying to vlog the whole time. I
caught myself in some bittersweet moments thinking about how Chucks
used to be when I was a kid. When I was a kid I didn't go to chucks
that much. Only for someones bday. My kids are different. Since they
have been born I have took them plenty of times and it doesn't have to
be anyone's birthday. For me, it was Showbiz Pizza when I first went.
Then later Chuckz and there was even a Discovery Zone. I had my first
Push Pop there. The place always smelled delicious! The food was good
from what I remember. The ball pit was super fun. The characters were
dope but scary at the same time. It was a real treat to go!
Now a days; this is all my kids know so of course it's fun to
them. But the pizza barely has cheese. I mean "barely". And
everything looks slightly dirty. Maybe when you are a kid you don't pay
attention to detail. Maybe this is what is so great about being a
kid. That's why this is a place "where a kid can be a kid"
I'm sure I will have more play dates there because the moms
group goes there 1x a month at least so that's about 5 more times this
year, but I think I will go every other month. I know it's for my
kiddies, but dang it; I still have to be in the mood to take them. Plus
I work a lot so sometimes it gets hard but I took half the day off to
take them there because I want them to do 2 fun things a week before
school starts.
What are your thoughts about the new and the old chuckz?
Tell me. I would like to read your thoughts.
Reminiscing sucks because it means I am getting older. Time is going so fast, you really need to enjoy it while you can.
good time. We stayed for about 3 and a half hours after I only really
wanted to be there for about 2 hours. But this was... I believe our
first time this year so freak it, I had to stay longer plus I wanted to
actually hang out with them instead of trying to vlog the whole time. I
caught myself in some bittersweet moments thinking about how Chucks
used to be when I was a kid. When I was a kid I didn't go to chucks
that much. Only for someones bday. My kids are different. Since they
have been born I have took them plenty of times and it doesn't have to
be anyone's birthday. For me, it was Showbiz Pizza when I first went.
Then later Chuckz and there was even a Discovery Zone. I had my first
Push Pop there. The place always smelled delicious! The food was good
from what I remember. The ball pit was super fun. The characters were
dope but scary at the same time. It was a real treat to go!
Now a days; this is all my kids know so of course it's fun to
them. But the pizza barely has cheese. I mean "barely". And
everything looks slightly dirty. Maybe when you are a kid you don't pay
attention to detail. Maybe this is what is so great about being a
kid. That's why this is a place "where a kid can be a kid"
I'm sure I will have more play dates there because the moms
group goes there 1x a month at least so that's about 5 more times this
year, but I think I will go every other month. I know it's for my
kiddies, but dang it; I still have to be in the mood to take them. Plus
I work a lot so sometimes it gets hard but I took half the day off to
take them there because I want them to do 2 fun things a week before
school starts.
What are your thoughts about the new and the old chuckz?
Tell me. I would like to read your thoughts.
Reminiscing sucks because it means I am getting older. Time is going so fast, you really need to enjoy it while you can.