My main review is of the Ink.
I purchased the HP Deskjet 1512 Printer at Walmart for around 60.00 when my HP Officejet Pro 8600 went out after only having it for under a year. So I didn't want to spend a few hundreds. I work from home and I print everyday, so I will always need a printer for work purposes.
After doing some research online, I chose this HP Deskjet 1512 Printer because a few reviewers had said that if you're going to be printing a lot, to buy the cheaper printer because the ink is cheapest to refill. This was great since my experience with the previous printer, I had already known that you constantly will have to refill ink or purchase new cartridges and I wanted to get away from doing that so much.
I believe I made a mistake. I purchased the Printer the week of the 20th. Most printers come with some ink already inside just to start you off. At the same time I had purchased the an ink combo. Which was $33.97 at Walmart.
On 10/28/2013 the ink was already gone! So I went to OfficeMax and purchased another combo at 33.99.

On 11/2/013 the ink was gone again! I purchased another combo, this time at Walmart for 33.97.
So within 2-3 weeks, I have already spent 101.93 on ink, and refilled it 3x. So basically I am looking at 33.97-33.99 every 4-5 days. Which is totally ridiculous!
Upon inspecting the cartridges, I found that they do not come filled all the way up. So this is a total rip off for consumers. I thought HP was reputable. I'm having 2nd and 3rd doubts. Also for the previous printer, I was spending even more money which the ink is about 20.00 per color and you need the 3 colors to print, plus the black which is about another 25.00. You save a few dollars by buying the complete combo packs but even then, still a rip off. I begin refilling that one myself and when the printer went totally out, I would not be in warranty because of refilling it myself which is why I bought the 2nd HP.

Just wanted to give some insight on how much a scam this is. I probably print less than 60 sheets a day.
The ink box has a website you can check to check for ink volume and page yield information. [Page yield is the number of pages a user can print with a given printer and cartridge, based on certain assumptions.]
Credit to the site link above.
You can click the link to get information if you have not already done so but I'm sure it is a bunch of mumbo jumbo to you especially if you are spending so much in ink, you don't want to read it. I did call HP as well and of course they had a representative who barely communicated well and just gave me automated-like answers. I am furious to tell you the truth. I run a very small business and really I am not a pc or printer tech. I just want something inexpensive & efficient enough to get small print jobs done. I do not print as many papers a day. In 4 days less that 250 sheets as in estimate.
I did notice when filling up my own ink with the previous printer it did last much longer than going and buying new ink but with this new printer, I have not researched how to refill and in about 4 more days, I will be spending another 33. something on ink which is very annoying.
Thanks for reading, comment and suggestions are greatly appreciated and I have also recorded a video you may take a look at. I hope this will help someone else to not have to spend a super amount of money constantly on ink.